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Download The Hate U Give Book. The Hate U Give Book is based on an African-American civilian which was shot by the police. 

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Book Details

Book NameThe Hate U Give Book
AuthorAngie Thomas
Book Size1.10 MB
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The Hate U Give Book Chapters

  1. When It Happens
  2. Five Weeks After It
  3. Eight Weeks After It
  4. Ten Weeks After It
  5. Thirteen Weeks After It—The Decision

The Hate U Give Book

The Hate U Give Book Review

The Hate U Give leaves me speechless. The description the book gives you by Angie Thomas makes you feel as if you are there it tells and shows the things the movie doesn’t the littlest details the movie cuts out brings the biggest impact on it all. The “Reality” of it all really shows you that this isn’t just acting it how society and the world is. How DEEP, and how much I Favorite this book is astronomical! I have never seen or read such a book and movie that brings so much life into its emotion, both Physically, Mentally, and even Emotionally.

I would love to give credit to George Tillman Jr. but especially Angie Thomas for this Heart-Warming Award-winning Incredible story. P.S.- I also would Highly recommend Blended by Sharon M. Draper; Magnificent book. ( No Movie ) I read this about a year ago in 5th grade and it really I good to start at a young age to take awareness and have a better understanding and continue to grow around Racism&Descrimination around the World so one day we can make a difference. #THUGLIFE

~Scarlett Christison

The Hate U Give Book Movie Trailer

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1. Is the book The Hate U Give Based on a true story?

Ans: Yes, The Hate U Give Book is a Real Storybook.

The Hate U Give Book Summary

I hate you guys Angie Thomas is Davey ml and it’s been garnering a lot of critical and commercial success. it’s basically a response to the black lives matter movement the Habeas follows our protagonist named star. she’s in the passenger seat of her black male friend’s car when they’re pulled over by a white cop and this exchange leaves her black male friend dead on the street and star just emotionally scarred and what follows this incident’s a media whirlwind but also an engaging and complicated experience regarding family and neighbors and friends and so much more.

Angie Thomas touches on a lot of different subjects in this book and she does so very effectively. this book it’s frustrating and painful, but also funny and moving. it’s frustrating and heartbreaking to read because you’re reading about these situations in which there is just blatant discrimination. such a glaringly obvious lack of justice and what amplifies this frustration and this heartbreak is the fact that this is barely even fiction it’s highly reflective of real life. that’s the room because you can turn the last page of this book and close it and you don’t feel relief.

you might feel galvanized or inspired or pained but you can’t brush off the story like it’s fantasy because it’s not it’s realistic fiction with a heavy emphasis on the first word there’s a lot of really good stuff and Auntie Thompson’s debut novel. most obviously there’s an excellent discussion on race and socio-economic background star lives in an underprivileged. predominantly black neighborhood but goes to a private school in a different neighborhood where most of the students are phenomenally wealthy and white she struggles with portraying two different versions of herself depending on the two different audiences.

she talks about how she doesn’t want those two spheres to interfere with each other obvious is Thomas’s great portrayal of family. there are countless wedding novels where the parents are absent families hardly ever mentioned but in this land of stars family is such an important component both in stars real life but also just in the novel itself another thing.

Andy Thomas, as well it’s her depiction of a specific subculture she incorporates slang and songs and games in a way that feels very real and very immersive it reminds me just a little bit of the unapologetic way Judy s incorporates his experience into his writing the last thing. I want to mention is humor as we might expect this is a pretty dark book for a lot of the pages but there are also really great lines sprinkled throughout this book as painful sure but it’s not hopeless and I like that so like I said there are a lot of great things going on in this book but it’s not fallen and makes me a little scared to criticize this book. because I don’t want anyone for even a second to misconstrue any of my criticism as any degree of disdain from the novels.

complete message because that’s what behaves at all but I think I would be remiss to screw it around the things I didn’t like for the sake of appearances so things. I wasn’t crazy about firstly the writing style the writing is too explicit for my taste and I don’t mean explicit like vulgar parental advisory I mean explicit as if everything is spelled out for the reader so clearly there’s nothing left for the reader to infer because we’re told everything the writing is so definitively exploitive. it can honestly be a little exhausting to read in terms of the old adage two verses tell.

Andy Thomas does a lot of telling and I do love the message and the concept of this book but I remember while I was reading it wouldn’t be uncommon for me to think I wonder how much better this story could be in the hands of a different father the other main element of the novel that I didn’t really enjoy was the pacing.

I feel like the painting was notably inconsistent with some sections being really dragged out to been some important events only getting a paragraph of attention what example of a main event in the book is a trial hearing and trailering is a really really big deal for both star and also for this entire movement but it’ll appear and then disappear in the storyline which made me want a better structured timeline and a more consistent frame of reference this look at a pretty long book and long books don’t necessarily have to fuel mall but this one did and I feel like that kind of impacts if the pacing has been adjusted to the writing style and if a thing those are things I just wasn’t a really big fan of but do those flaws even really matter in the grand scheme of things.

I’m compelled to say that they don’t because the significance of this book the fact that it was written the fact that it’s published and the fact that it’s successful if I couldn’t exist you know that significance outweighs subpar writing or a fluctuating pace this book is meaningful to so many people and it can do a lot to educate someone to inspire someone to impact someone and it’s not the importance of literature, to begin with.

you know when I read that I put my book down and I was like she did that she went there yeah it’s clean and then there was another one that I didn’t highlight but I loved it so much I still remember it but I don’t know it for beta it was something along the lines of I hear his laugh and his laughs makes me laugh so I know it’s currently so something really simple like that but it was just such a cute sentiment something.

I was really impressed by how Angie Thomas just captured this really common sentiment any time Haley talked like my college roommate has a friend from back home and her friends like to call me Ling Ling and they love like it’s just a joke but I guess they don’t understand the entitlement that comes with making jokes like that I felt exactly like Maya. when she was upset that Hailey asked her whether she ate a cat. Thanksgiving and I felt exactly like Starr who was angry when hey we made that fried chicken joke on the basketball court people like Haley make Maya and Starr feel like they’re not allowed to be offended oh because.

it was just a joke the thing is the people like Haley are not in a position to be saying things like that or to be cracking jokes like that and it’s infuriating because so many people are going to look at the situation and say oh why are you overreacting can’t you take a joke you’re so sensitive. you’re such a social justice warrior and sure I can be sensitive and sure I can be outspokenly liberal the best traits aren’t an excuse for someone to put the blame on me or Maya or start when Haley’s the one being ignorant just the fact that I watched into a rant like that I think shows how important

Angie Thomas’s book is she incorporates so many conversations like that and this book that I just never see anywhere else in Hawaii and I appreciate it so much one thing that really really hurt my heart was when big mAb is forced to the ground by the cops in front of his children and that scene is she’s so startling because big Nam is such a huge figure both in stars life is also in this neighborhood you know he had so much power he is so much authority he demands so much respect from everyone around him that simply dissipate the second a cop comes onto the scene because then anything could be interpreted as a cost for a bullet I just destroyed me one decision that I thought was super intentional and super just excellent.

it was an excellent choice was Andy Thomas’s decision to make start uncle a cop the fact that her uncle was a cop added such a unique element of tension to the rest of the conflict I probably had so much more insight about this book but that all I have notes written for please please let me know what you thought about the hate you gave by Angie Thomas.

it’s really such an important book and there are so many scenes for discussion so I really really love to hear your thoughts on this book or on the topics this book brings up I sound like such an English teacher for saying that but I’m not kidding this book is just so fertile for conversations.

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