(PDF) Oxford Student Atlas for India PDF Free Download 4th Edition

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Oxford Student Atlas for India

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Student Atlas for India PDF Details

Book Name:Oxford Student Atlas for India – 4th Edition
Author:Oxford University Press
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Release Date:1 December 2019
Oxford Student Atlas for India PDF Free Download 4th Edition

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    Geography Optional Syllabus For UPSC

    The disciplinary subject of UPSC has 48 subjects, one of which is Geography. Discretionary prospectus for the subject has a large cover with the general study. These are the main optional subjects in the Mains exam. Geography optional syllabus for UPSC- The topics recalled for this topic are identified by physical and human geology, financial topography, and the topography of India.

    Geography Optional Syllabus For UPSC

    Geography optional syllabus for UPSC

    The geography optional subject syllabus by UPSC is given below.

    Download All Subject Syllabus of UPSC Optional


    Geomorph: Origin and evolution of earth’s crust; Geomorph: The physical condition of earth’s interior; Geomorph: Fundamentals of geomagnetism; Geomorph: Continental drift, Geomorph: Plate tectonics; Geomorph: Geosynclines; Geomorph: Recent views on mountain building; Geomorph: Vulcanicity; Geomorph: Isostasy; Geomorph: Endogenetic and exogenetic forces;
    Geomorph: Concepts of geomorphic cycles and Landscape development; Geomorph: Factors controlling landform development; Geomorph: Slope development; Geomorph: Channel morphology; Geomorph: Denudation chronology; Geomorph: Erosion surfaces; Geomorph: Applied Geomorphology: Geohydrology, Economic geology, Environment; Phy. Sett: Structure; Phy. Sett.: Relief; Phy. Sett.: Physiographic regions; Phy. Sett: The drainage system


    Climate: Temperature; Climate: Pressure belts of the world; Climate: Heat budget of the earth; Climate: Atmospheric circulation; Climate: Planetary winds; Climate: Local winds; Climate: Atmospheric stability and instability; Climate: Monsoons, Phy. Sett.: Mechanism of Indian monsoons; Climate: Jet streams; Climate: Air masses; Climate: Fronted genesis; Climate: Temperate cyclones,
    Climate: Tropical cyclones, Phy. Sett.: Tropical cyclones; Climate: Weather and Climate; Climate: Hydrological cycle; Climate: Types of precipitation; Climate: Distribution of precipitation; Phy. Sett.: Indian rainfall patterns, Phy. Sett.: Western disturbances; Climate: Hoppen’s, Thornthwaite’s, Trewartha’s classification of world climates; Phy. Sett.: Climatic regions; Climate: Applied Climatology, Climate: Urban climate


    BOTTOM TOPOGRAPHY: Ocean: Bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean; Ocean: Bottom topography of the Indian Ocean; Ocean: Bottom topography of the Pacific Ocean.
    Ocean: Temperature of the oceans; Ocean: Salinity of the oceans; Ocean: Heat budget; Ocean: Salt budget; Ocean: Ocean deposits; Ocean: Marine pollution; Ocean: Waves; Ocean: Currents; Ocean: Tides; Ocean: Sea level changes; Ocean: Coral reefs; Ocean: Coral bleaching


    BIOGEOGRAPHY: SOIL: Biome: Genesis of soils; Biogeo: Classification soils, Phy. Sett.: Soil types; Biogeo: Distribution of soils, Phy. Sett.: Soil distributions; Biogeo: Soil profile; Biogeo: Soil erosion, Contemp Iss: Soil erosion; Biogeo: Soil degradation; Biogeo: Soil conservation
    BIOGEOGRAPHY: PLANT AND ANIMALS: Biogeo: Factors influencing world distribution of animals; Biogeo: Factors influencing world distribution of plants; Biogeo: Major gene pool centres; Envt. Geo.: Biodiversity
    ENVIRONMENT: Envt. Geo.: Principle of ecology; Envt. Geo.: Ecosystem, their management and conservation; Biogeo: Problems of deforestation, Contemp Iss: Deforestation; Biogeo: Factors influencing world distribution of plants; Biogeo: Factors influencing world distribution of animals.

    ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND DEGRADATION: Envt. Geo.: Environmental hazards and remedial measures; Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides; Gynomorph: Earthquakes, Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: earthquakes; neomorph: Tsunamis, Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: Tsunamis; Physical Setting: Floods,

    Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: floods; Phy. Sett.: Droughts, Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: droughts; Contemp Iss: Desertification; Contemp Iss: Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: epidemics; Envt. Geo.: Environmental degradation, Contemp Iss: Environmental degradation; Contemp Iss: Issues relating to environmental pollution; Climate: Global climatic change, Climate: Role and response of man in climatic changes; Envt. Geo.: Influence of man on ecology and environment; Envt. Geo.: Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances.
    ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING: Envt. Geo.: Environmental management, Contemp Iss: Principles of environmental management; Contemp Iss: Principles of environmental impact assessment; Envt. Geo.: Environmental conservation; Biogeo: Wildlife, Resources: Wildlife resources,
    Resources: Conservation of Wildlife resources; Envt. Geo.: Sustainable development, Contemp Iss: Concept of sustainable growth and development; Envt. Geo.: Environmental policy; Envt. Geo.: Environmental education; Contemp Iss: Environmental awareness; Envt. Geo.: Environmental legislation


    Perspectives: Paradigms; Perspectives in HG: Areal differentiation; Perspectives in HG: Regional synthesis; Perspectives in HG: Dichotomy; Perspectives in HG: Dualism; Perspectives in HG: Environmentalism; Envt Geo: Human ecological adaptations.
    QUANTIFICATION IN GEOGRAPHY: Models; MT&L in HG: Systems analysis in Human geography; Gravity Model; Diffusion of innovation; Positivism; Perspectives in HG: Locational analysis; Perspectives in HG: Quantitative revolution.
    CRITICAL REVOLUTION: Perspectives in HG: Radical approach; Perspectives in HG: Behavioral approach; Perspectives in HG: Human approach; Perspectives in HG: Welfare approach


    Cultural Sett: Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Cultural Sett: Racial diversities; Cultural Sett: Ethnic diversities; Perspectives in HG: Languages; Cultural Sett: Linguistic diversities; Perspectives in HG: Secularization; Perspectives in HG: Religions; Cultural Sett: Religious minorities;
    Cultural Sett: Major tribes, tribal areas, and their problems; Regional D&P: Tribal area development; Perspectives in HG: Cultural regions of the world; Cultural Sett: Cultural regions; Population and SG: Social well-being; Population and SG: Quality of life; Population and SG: Population as social capital; Cultural Sett: Health indicators; Perspectives in HG: Human development index.


    Population and SG: Population theories; MT&L in HG: Malthusian theory, Marxian theory, Demographic transition model; Population and SG: Concepts of the over-under-and optimum population; Population and SG: Growth of world population; Cultural Sett: Growth of population; Population and SG: Distribution of world population; Cultural Sett: Distribution of population; Cultural Sett: Density of population.

    DEMOGRAPHIC ATTRIBUTES: Population and SG: Demographic attributes; Cultural Sett: Demographic attributes: sex-ratio; Cultural Sett: Demographic attributes: age structure; Cultural Sett: Demographic attributes: literacy rate; Cultural Sett: Demographic attributes: workforce, dependency ratio; Cultural Sett: Demographic attributes: longevity.

    MIGRATION: Cultural Sett: Migration (inter-regional, intra- regional and international); Population and SG: Causes of migration; Population and SG: Consequences of migration; Cultural Sett: Associated problems of migration.

    POPULATION PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Economic Geo: Food and nutrition problems; Economic Geo: Food security, Contemp Iss: Population explosion and Food security; Economic Geo: Famine: causes, effects, and remedies; Population and SG: World population problems, Cultural Sett: Population problems; Population and SG: World population policies, Cultural Sett: Population policies.


    RURAL SETTLEMENT: Population and SG: Types of rural settlements, Settlements: Type of rural settlements; Population and SG: Patterns of rural settlements, Settlements: Patterns of rural settlements; Settlements: Morphology of rural settlements; Population and SG: Environmental issues in rural settlements.
    URBAN SETTLEMENT: Settlements: Urban developments; MT&L in HG: Central Place Theory of Chrystelle, MT&L in HG: Central Place Theory of Losch; Population and SG: Urban morphology, Settlements: Morphology of Indian cities; Population and SG: Urban morphology: Concepts of primate city;

    Population and SG: Urban morphology: Rank-size rule; Population and SG: Rural-urban fringe; Population and SG: Satellite towns; Settlements: Conurbations; Settlements: Urban sprawl; Population and SG: Hierarchy of urban settlements; Pupil. & SG: Functional classification of towns, Settlements: Functional classification of Indian cities.

    TOWN PLANNING: Settlements: Town planning, Population & SG: Sustainable development of cities; Population and SG: Problems and remedies of urbanization, Settlements: Problems of urbanization and remedies; Settlements: Slums and associated problems


    Regional Planning: Concept of a region; Regional Planning: Types of regions; Regional Planning: Methods of regionalization, Population, and SG: Sphere of urban influence, Settlements: Metropolitan regions; Regional Planning: Growth centers and growth poles, MT&L in HG: Perroux and Boudeville;
    MT&L in HG: Rostov’s model of stages of growth; Regional Planning: Regional imbalances, Contemp Iss: Regional disparities in economic development; Regional Planning: Regional development strategies; Regional Pl: Planning for sustainable development;
    Regional Pl: Environmental issues in regional planning; Regional D&P: Experience of regional planning in India; Regional D&P: Five Year Plans; Regional D&P: Panchayati Raj and decentralized planning; Regional D&P: Multi-level planning; Regional D&P: Integrated rural development programs; Regional D&P: Planning for backward areas; Regional D&P: Planning for desert areas; Regional D&P: Planning for drought-prone areas;
    Regional D&P: Planning for hill areas; Regional D&P: Regional planning and development of island territories; Regional D&P: Command area development; Physical Setting: Watersheds, Regional D&P: Watershed management


    Eco. Geo.: World economic development: measurement; Eco. Geo.: World economic development: problems; Eco. Geo.: The limits to growth


    TRANSPORT: Transport, C&T: Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their complementary roles in regional development; Transport, C&T: Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade; Transport, C&T: Developments in communication and information technology and their impacts on the economy and society.
    WORLD TRADE: Eco. Geo.: Patterns of world trade; Transport, C&T: Trade balance; Transport, C&T: Trade Policy; Contemp Iss: Globalization and Indian economy.


    Eco. Geo.: World resources and their distribution
    ENERGY RESOURCES: Resources: Energy resources.
    MINERAL RESOURCES: Resources: Mineral resources
    WATER RESOURCES: Resources: Surface and groundwater resources
    LAND RESOURCES: Resources: Land resources; Contempt Iss: Changes in patterns of land use
    BIOTIC RESOURCES: Resources: Biotic resources; Phy. Sett.: Natural vegetation; Resources: Forest resources; Biogeo: Problems of deforestation, Contempt Iss: Deforestation; Biogeo: (Forest) conservation measures, Resources: Conservation of Forest resources
    MARINE RESOURCES: Resources: Marine resources; Ocean: Marine resources: biotic, mineral and energy resources.
    RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Eco. Geo.: Energy crisis, Resources: Energy crisis.

    UNIT 12: INDUSTRIAL GEOGRAPHY || Geography optional syllabus for UPSC

    Eco. Geo.: World industries: locational patterns; MT&L in HG: Weber’s model of industrial location; Industry: Loc. Fac. of cotton industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of jute industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of textile industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of iron and steel industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of aluminum industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of fertilizer industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of paper industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of chemical industries;
    Industry: Loc. Fac. of pharmaceutical industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of Automobile industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of cottage industries; Industry: Loc. Fac. of agro-based industries; Industry: Evolution of industries; Industry: Industrial complexes; Industry: Industrial regionalization; Industry: New industrial policies; Industry: Multinationals, Industry: Liberalization; Eco. Geo.: World industries: problems; Industry: Tourism including eco-tourism; Industry: Industrial houses; Industry: Public sector undertakings; Industry: Special Economic Zones; Transport, C&T: Export processing zones; Contempt Iss: Problems of industrial unrest.

    UNIT 13: AGRICULTURE GEOGRAPHY || Geography optional syllabus for UPSC

    AGRICULTURAL REGIONS: Agriculture: Agricultural regionalization; Eco. Geo.: World agriculture: a typology of agricultural regions; Agriculture: Significance of dry farming; Agriculture: Agro-climatic zones; Agriculture: Agroecological regions.
    DETERMINANTS OF AGRICULTURE: MT&L in HG: Von Thunen’s model of agricultural location; Eco. Geo.: Agricultural inputs; Agriculture: Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power; Agriculture: Institutional factors: landholdings, land tenure, and land reforms.
    CONCEPTS IN AGRICULTURE: Agriculture: Cropping pattern; Eco. Geo.: Agricultural productivity, Agriculture: Agricultural productivity; Agriculture: Agricultural intensity; Agriculture: Crop combination; Agriculture: Land capability.
    ALLIED AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES: Agriculture: Livestock resources; Agriculture: White revolution; Agriculture: Aqua culture; Agriculture: Sericulture; Agriculture: Apiculture; Agriculture: Poultry.
    SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: Agriculture: Green revolution and its socio-economic and ecological implications; Biogeo: Social forestry, Agriculture: Social forestry, Biogeo: Agroforestry, Agriculture: Agroforestry; Contempt Iss: Problems of agrarian unrest.

    UNIT 14: POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY || Geography optional syllabus for UPSC

    MT&L in HG: Heartland theory, MT&L in HG: Rimland theory; MT&L in HG: Laws of international boundaries and frontiers; Ocean: Law of the sea; Pol. Asp.: International boundary of India and related issues; Pay. Sett.: Space relationship of India with neighboring countries; Pol. Asp.: India’s role in world affairs;
    Pol. Asp.: Geopolitics of South Asia, Transport, C&T: Indian space program; Pol. Asp.: Geopolitics of Indian Ocean realm; Pol. Asp.: Cross border terrorism; Pol. Asp.: Geographical basis of Indian federalism; Pol. Asp.: State reorganization; Pol. Asp.: Emergence of new states; Pol. Asp.: Regional consciousness; Pol. Asp.: Inter-state issues, Contempt Iss: Linkage of rivers

    UNIT 15: MAPS || Geography optional syllabus for UPSC

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    Essays for Civil Service Examination

    An essay is a piece of writing which is commonly written from an author’s frame of reference. Essays consist of a number of sections, which may include literary analysis, political statements, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author.

    Nowadays, essays are becoming a major part of formal education in some countries, including the United States and Canada. Structured essays are taught to secondary students to improve their writing skills, and universities usually use admission essays to select applicants, and during final exams in the humanities and social sciences, as a way to assess the performance of students.

    Today, apart from writing, the idea of ‘essays’ is extended to other media. A film essay is a movie that includes documentary film-making styles, which focus on the progress of an idea or some theme.
    A photographic essay that covers topics with a related string of photographs may or may not include leading text or captions etc.

    How to write Essays for Civil Service Examination

    There are some simple tools and techniques which will guide you through the essay writing process, they are as follows:

    1. Decide the topic on which you want to write
    2. Make some vague idea or diagram
    3. Write a thesis statement
    4. Write the body section
    5. Write the main points
    6.  Write the subpoints
    7. Elaborate on the subpoints
    8. Write the introductory part
    9. Write the conclusion
    10. Conclude the essay

    145+ Essays for Civil Service Examination Book Details

    145+ Essays for Civil Services Examination book on essay writing is one of the most useful books. It’s not just for students, but also for those who want to learn how to write a better essay, and it includes information about the methods of easy writings, steps to follow while writing easy.

    Authored By

    Dr. B. Ramaswamy

    File Format: PDF
    Pages 432 Pages
    File Size:

    3.6 MB

    Publication Date

    Publication date

    1 January 2020

    Download 145+ Essays for Civil Service Examination PDF by Dr. B Ramaswamy

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    Preview of 145+ Essays for Civil Service Examination PDF by Dr. B Ramaswamy


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    If you’re new UPSC field, we have a tendency to suggest you to understand UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC elective and take a look at Series [Prelims/Mains] and conjointly Magazine for higher Understanding. All our Advertisements Maineasure} tight ads [we don’t compromise within the Quality] and if anyone has any downside with the web site or advertisements please contact me [email protected]
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  • UPSC Booklist by Toppers | Latest Booklist 2021

    Read the UPSC Booklist by toppers. Those who start preparing for the Competitive exam, always face problems with the book list for preparation. here we come with toppers booklist. we have provided the book names of all Subjects and PDFs as well.

    Pdfgozar also provides you with the pdf material for SSC, Banking, Defence, and State PCS Exams. We also provide the test series for UPSC, EPFO, SSC, and all other exams, by various well-known institutions such as vision IAS, GS Score, Shankar IAS, etc.

    UPSC Booklist

    UPSC Prelims Booklist by toppers

    General Studies (Paper I)1. NCERTs of History, Geography & Polity Class 8th-12th
    2. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
    3. Certificate of Physical Geography by GC Leong
    4. Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth
    5. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
    6. Current Affairs – The Hindu, Yojna Magazine, Kurukshetra Magazine
    7. Oxford World Atlas
    8. International Relations NCERT XI and XII
    9. Indian Culture- Spectrum
    10. NIOS Course Materials
    CSAT1. Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – RS Agarwal
    2. TMH CSAT Manual
    3. Quicker Maths by M.Tyra
    4. English Grammar & Composition Wren & Martin

    UPSC Mains Booklist by toppers

    General Studies – 11. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
    2. India After Independence by Bipan Chandra
    3. Ancient India by RS Sharma
    4. History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
    5. From Plassey To Partition And After by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
    6. Introduction to Indian Art for Class XI (NCERT)Geography of India – Majid Hussain
    7. World Geography- Majid Hussain
    8. Oxford Atlas
    9. Central Physical and Human Geography by GC Leong
    10. Geography NCERTs (Class XI  and XII)
    General Studies -2 1. Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth
    2. Constitution of India by DD Basu
    3. India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
    General Studies-31. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
    General Studies- 41. Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Subba Rao and PN Rao Chaudhry

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    If you’re new UPSC field, we suggest you understand UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC elective and take a look at Series [Prelims/Mains] and conjointly Magazine for higher Understanding. All our Advertisements Maineasure tight ads [we don’t compromise within the Quality] and if anyone has any downside with the web site or advertisements please contact me [email protected]

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  • [Updated] Finance Budget 2022 key Highlights

    Download Finance Budget 2022 key highlights PDF. Finance Budget 2022 key highlights. BUDGET 2022 QUICK SUMMARY

    Pdfgozar also provides you with the pdf material for SSC, Banking, Defence, and State PCS Exams. We also provide the test series for UPSC, EPFO, SSC, and all other exams, by various well-known institutions such as vision IAS, GS Score, Shankar IAS, etc.

    Finance Budget 2022 key highlights Details

    File NameFinance Budget 2022
    Financial Year2022
    PDF Size3 MB

    Finance Budget 2022 key highlights

    •  25,000 Km of National Highways to be constructed in FY 23
    •  Rs. 2.7L Cr. to be allocated for farmers under MSP
    •  Agri startups to get funding from NABARD
    •  400 new Vande Bharat Trains to be initiated in next 3 years
    •  Allocation for Emergency Credit Guarantee Scheme for MSMEs increased by Rs.50K Cr.
    •  PM E-Vidya program to be increased to 200 channels giving boost to education in vernacular languages
    •  A digital platform to be created for the healthcare ecosystem.
    •  Digital University to be created.
    •  E-Passports with digital chips to be rolled out in next year.
    •  1.5L Post Offices to be linked to core banking
    •  A battery swapping policy will be brought out for electric vehicles.
    •  Center for Accelerated Corporate Exit to be set up. The process to be digitized and aims to bring the corporate exit time within 6 months.
    •  Animation, Gaming, Visual Effects to be given a boost to enhance capabilities for meeting global demands.
    •  80 Lakh houses to be built under PM Housing Scheme with allocation fo Rs. 48K Cr.
    •  PLI scheme of Rs.19.5K allocated for manufacturing of high efficiency modules for solar power to achieve target of 280 GW of solar power
    •  Budget allocation for capital expenditure increased by 34.5%, to Rs.7.5L Cr.
    •  Sovereign Green bonds to be issued for mobilizing green energy and to reduce carbon intensity.
    •  International Arbitration Center to be set up in Gift City
    •  Digital Rupee to be introduced by RBI using blockchain technology
    •  Rs.1L Cr. allocated for grant of interest-free loans to States. Funds to be used for Gati Shakti and other capex by States.
    •  *Fiscal deficit* for FY 2021-22 to be at 6.9% of the GDP and for FY 2022-23 is estimated to be at 6.4% of the GDP
    •  Proposal to allow the filing of an updated return within 2 years from the end of the relevant assessment year, with payment of additional tax.
    •  MAT on Co-operatives Societies reduced to 15% to align it with Corporates.
    •  *Startups benefits* – Section 80IAC tax holiday to be allowed to the startups incorporated before 31 March 2023. Time extended by one year.
    •  15% tax regime for new manufacturing companies extended by one year. Now it would be allowed to companies incorporated on or before 31 March 2024.
    •  Litigation Management – repetitive appeals by the department shall be deferred till the issue of law is settled in the matter of that assessee by the Jurisdictional High Court.
    •  Surcharge on Long Term Capital Gains on the transfer of any type of asset to be capped at 15%.
    •  Surcharge or Cess not to be allowed as business expenditure. Law to be amended to overrule judgements of High Courts.
    Finance Budget 2022



    1. Proposes fiscal deficit of 4.5% of GDP by 2025/26
    2. Projects fiscal deficit of 6.4% of GDP in 2022/23
    3. Revised fiscal deficit for 2021/22 at 6.9% of GDP
    4. Total expenditure in 2022/23 seen at 39.45 trillion rupees
    5. States will be allowed 4% fiscal deficit to GDP in FY23
    6. 50 year interest free loans over and above normal borrowing allocated to states
    7. Scheme for financial assistance to states for capital investment outlay to be 1 trillion rupees in 2022/23


    1. Import duty on certain chemicals are being reduced
    2. Customs duty exemption on steel scrap to be extended for another year for small- and medium-sized businesses
    3. Customs duty on stainless steel, flat products, high steel bars to be revoked
    4. Unblended fuel to get additional duty of 2 rupees per litre from October 2022


    1. Emergency credit line guarantee scheme for small and medium sized businesses to be extended to March 2023
    2. Energy transition and climate action will be a major government priority
    3. Public issue of Life Insurance Corporation expected shortly
    4. Initiatives from last year’s budget have been provided adequate allocations in this budget
    5. Special Economic Zones Act to be replaced with new legislation
    6. To amend bankruptcy code to speed up resolution process
    7. Aims to lower winding up of companies to 6 months from 2 years currently8.
    8. Long term capital gain surcharge to be capped at 15%


    1. To launch digital rupee using blockchain technology starting 2022/23
    2. To launch scheme for taxation of virtual digital assets
    3. Losses from sale of virtual digital assets cannot be offset against other income
    4. Income from virtual digital assets to be taxed at 30%


    1. Govt committed to reducing defence imports


    1. 5G spectrum auctions to be conducted in 2022
    2. Scheme for design-led manufacturing for 5G will be part of production-linked scheme
    3. To award contracts to lay optical fibre in rural areas, completion in 2025
    4. 480 billion rupees set aside for affordable housing in 2022/23
    5. To allocate additional 195 billion rupees for production-linked incentives towards solar equipment manufacturing


    1. Domestic scheme introduced to reduce dependence on oilseed imports
    2. Fund with blended capital raised under co-investment model to finance agriculture startups
    3. Railways to develop infrastructure for small farmers in 2022/23


    1. 400 energy efficient trains to be manufactured over next three years
    2. National highways network to be expanded by 25,000km in 2022/23
    3. Highways expansion to cost 200 billion rupees in 2022/23
    4. India to bring out battery swapping policy


    1. New Updated return – A new provision to allow taxpayers to file an updated return. Updated return can be filed within 2 years from the end of the relevant assessment year:
    2. Co-op Society – 15 % from 18%, reduction in surcharge too
    3. Alternate minimum tax to be reduced to 15% for cooperative societies
    4. Propose to increase tax deduction limit to 14% on employers contribution to NPS account of state govt employees
    5. Tax incentives for startups to be incorporated until March 31, 2023
    6. Crypto tax at 30% – Tax on BITCOIN no set off on loss -Crypto profit give 30% to govt Loss you suffer fully no set off
    7. Recipient to be taxed in case of gift of virtual digital asset: FM Sec 56 amended
    8. Long-term capital gains on listed equity share units are subject to a maximum surcharge of 15%. propose to cap transfer of long term capital gains at 15%:
    9. Corporate surcharge to be reduced from 12% to 7%:


    1. Record Rs 1.40 lakh crore gross GST collection in January 2022, highest since inception – Highest-ever GST collection of Rs 1,38,394 crore in January 2022
    2. Concessional customs duty on capital goods to be phased out, the initial rate of 7.5% to be imposed
    3. More than 350 exemptions on some Agri products, chemicals, drugs, etc to be phased out
    4. Duty concessions on parts of phone chargers, transformers, etc to enable domestic manufacturing
    5. Custom duty exemption on steel scrap is being extended by a year to help MSMEs.

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